Ceylon green tea consisting of carefully selected Young Hyson leaves with the addition of apricots, orange peel and the flavour of ice wine. Try the unique Basilur Frosted Wine tea, which is characterised by the sweet taste of ice wine, creating a unique taste experience. The mild aroma of...
AromaIce wine BrandBasilur Tea
Black Ceylon tea consisting of carefully selected Broken Orange Pekoe 1 leaves with the addition of hibiscus, cranberry, apple and sangria punch flavouring. Try the unique Basilur Berry Serenade tea, which is characterised by the sweet taste of traditional Spanish sangria wine and creates a...
AromaSangria BrandBasilur Tea
Black Ceylon tea, consisting of carefully selected Broken Orange Pekoe 1 leaves with the addition of hibiscus, raisins and the aroma of red wine. Try the unique Basilur Majestic Red tea, which is characterized by the expressive taste of red wine and creates a unique taste experience. The tart...
AromaRed wine BrandBasilur Tea
Black Ceylon tea, consisting of carefully selected pekoe leaves with the addition of sultanas, graviola and the flavour of white wine. Try the unique Basilur Alpine Blanc tea, which is characterised by the subtle taste of white wine, creating a unique taste experience. The tart flavour of grapes...
AromaWhite wine BrandBasilur Tea


  • ‎CHF 15.5
  • ‎CHF 15.5
Brand (1)
Tea variety
Verpackung Tee