Island of Tea

The most popular tea variety. It undergoes a long production process. The basic stages are: Withering, rolling, fermenting and drying. The taste values are determined by the country of origin of the tea, the plantation, the time of harvest or the degree of wilting, among other factors. Ceylon...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
Die beliebteste Teesorte. Es wird einem langen Produktionsprozess unterzogen. Die grundlegenden Phasen sind: Welken, Rollen, Fermentieren und Trocknen. Die Geschmackswerte werden unter anderem durch das Herkunftsland des Tees, die Plantage, den Erntezeitpunkt oder den Welkegrad bestimmt....
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
It is called unfermented tea because it is not oxidised. It is obtained by heating/roasting the leaves to accelerate the wilting process and prevent their fermentation. After this stage, the leaves are shaped by rolling them up. Production ends with drying and sorting. Green tea is a source of...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
The package contains all teas from The Island Of Tea collection. This range is inspired by the main growing regions of Ceylon, where each tea has its own unique flavour and aroma depending on the soil and climate conditions. The Island Of Tea is the best tea in the world in one pack, so you can...
BrandBasilur Tea Content47.5g (20x2g+5x1.5g)
It is called unfermented tea because it is not oxidised. It is obtained by heating/roasting the leaves to speed up the withering process and prevent them from fermenting. After this phase, the leaves are moulded by rolling them up. Production ends with drying and sorting. Green tea is a source...
BrandBasilur Tea Ingredientsgreen tea
Die beliebteste Teesorte. Es wird einem langen Produktionsprozess unterzogen. Die grundlegenden Phasen sind: Welken, Rollen, Fermentieren und Trocknen. Die Geschmackswerte werden unter anderem durch das Herkunftsland des Tees, die Plantage, den Erntezeitpunkt oder den Welkegrad bestimmt....
BrandBasilur Tea Ingredientsblack tea
The most popular type of tea. It undergoes a long production process. The basic stages are: Withering, rolling, fermenting and drying. The flavour is determined by the country of origin of the tea, the plantation, the time of harvest and the degree of withering, among other factors. Ceylon...
BrandBasilur Tea Ingredientsblack tea


  • ‎CHF 4.9
  • ‎CHF 17.9
Tea variety
Verpackung Tee