
A classic example of Ceylon tea that will guide you through Sri Lanka's rich tea heritage. This is a tea that embodies the sense of place and exemplifies the characters of Ceylon's finest tea. Ingredients: 100% pure black Ceylon leaf tea. Type of tea: black tea Packaging tea: open tea...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
This aromatic, refreshing Ceylon green tea comes with the goodness of Moroccan mint. A refined palate eleanser which will guide you through each course of your meal leaving you refreshed all day long. Ingredients: green tea with mint Aroma: Moroccan mint Type of tea: green tea...
AromaMoroccan mint BrandBasilur Tea
This special brew provides a distinct flower with a proportion of tips known as FBOP Extra Special tippy tea. A full-bodied, deep red infusion with a mild note of honey which will leav you energized and exhilarated throughout.  Ingredients: 100% Pure Ceylon black leaf tea with Extra Special...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
Inspired by Indian practice, this is an aromatic Blend with rich, natural spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger together with pure Ceylon tea. This tea will take you through a celebrated journey of an old World charm. Can also be enjoyed with dairy milk. Ingredients: Caylon...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
Awarming tea drinking experience which is specially designed to invigorate your senses in this chilly season. It's Time to re-unite with Family and Friends with a steaming cup of Basilur Frosty Afternoon tea in this Festive, snowy Season. Ingredients: black tea, white cornflowers, blue...
AromaOranges, Passion fruit BrandBasilur Tea
Basilur presents to you a special Blend of Ceylon Black Tea with natural Fruits and Herbes beyond imagination. Each cup will invigorate your soul and leave you fulfilled with the crisp aroma reminiscent of all natural goodness of Ceylon's finest. Ingredients: Black Ceylon Tea, Cranberries,...
AromaPapaya, Pineapple, Apricots, Strawberry BrandBasilur Tea
OOLONG green tea, high mountain leaf tea with a hint of milk, with a delicate flavour. It will relax you and put you in a blissful mood. Unique flavour and health properties - these are the strengths of this unique and one-of-a-kind tea. Oolong tea helps to combat skin ageing and improve skin...
AromaMilk BrandBasilur Tea
Ein klassisches Beispiel für Ceylon-Tee, der Sie durch das reiche Teeerbe Sri Lankas führen wird. Dies ist ein Tee, der das Gefühl von Ort verkörpert und die Charaktere von Ceylons feinstem Tee veranschaulicht. Zutaten: 100% reiner schwarzer Ceylon Blatt-Tee. Teesorte:  Schwarzer Tee...
This aromatic, refreshing Ceylon green tea comes with the goodness of Moroccan mint. A sophisticated palate cleanser that guides you through each course of your meal and refreshes you throughout the day. Ingredients: green tea with mint Aroma: Moroccan mint Type of tea: green tea...
AromaMoroccan mint BrandBasilur Tea
This special brew provides a distinct flower with a proportion of tips known as FBOP Extra Special tippy tea. A full-bodied, deep red infusion with a mild note of honey which will leav you energized and exhilarated throughout.  Ingredients: 100% Pure Ceylon black leaf tea with Extra Special...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
Inspired by Indian practice, this is an aromatic Blend with rich, natural spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger together with pure Ceylon tea. This tea will take you through a celebrated journey of an old World charm. Can also be enjoyed with dairy milk. Ingredients: Caylon...
BrandBasilur Tea Content100g
Black Ceylon tea with white and blue cornflowers and a hint of passion fruit and orange. Basilur Frosty will make you want to sit with family and friends on a cold evening with a warm cup of this delicious tea. Ingredients: black tea, white cornflowers, blue cornflowers Flavour: passion...
AromaPassion fruit, Oranges BrandBasilur Tea
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  • ‎CHF 2.9
  • ‎CHF 49.9
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